Welcome to PubLunch Network

The PubLunch Network is a simple, friendly way to meet like-minded publishing professionals. We make personalized introductions so you can build meaningful connections without the awkwardness of traditional networking events. Whether you’re looking for career insights, collaboration opportunities, or just an interesting chat over lunch, we’ve got you covered.

2 women talking in a meeting v2


🚀 Early adopter offer: Membership is currently free for those willing to test the system and provide feedback!

Free Trial


Up to 4 personalized Introductions


Pay Quarterly


Up to 12 personalized Introductions

Exclusive in person events

Pay Yearly


Up to 50 personalized Introductions

Exclusive in person events

Head of a woman with blue hair

“Thanks to the PubLunch Network, I made a brilliant connection that led to an exciting collaboration—thoughtful, effective networking at its best!”

ChatGPT—because until we get real testimonials, AI will have to do!